Author: Sam Bullers
Contributors: Sam Bullers, Rachel Feeney, Matt Jackson
Updated: 10-07-2020

Executive Summary

The pilot study reported here aimed to determine which commercially available DNA extraction kit and homogenisation step performed the best when extracting DNA from the ZymoBIOMICS Community Standard, which is comprised of 10 microbes in known quantities.

As the ZymoBIOMICS standard is a known defined community, the best extraction kit and homogenisation method will be the protocol which results in the sequencing data closest to the initial input. The Community Standard was diluted from neat to 1:1000000 to determine if a particular extraction kit or homogenisation step yielded greater DNA concentrations and at what point DNA was no longer detected from each variable. DNA quantification was performed on a Nanodrop and all kits showed recovery of good quantity and quality DNA from both kits and both homogenisation steps. For all conditions, DNA concentration hit a base level at a 1:100 dilution.

Shotgun sequencing was performed on one replicate of the undiluted and 1:10 dilution of each extraction method and homogenisation method. From this data, we observed all conditions tested recovered all of the microbes which make up the community standard. PCA analysis showed that sample concentration (undiluted vs 1:10) or extraction kit (Qiagen vs ZymoBIOMICS) showed no significant difference in microbial DNA recovered. A significant difference in the microbial DNA composition was observed between homogenisation protocols (Tissue Lyser II vs Vortex Adapter).


To establish which commercially available DNA extraction kit and homogenisation protocol will be used by the Oxford Centre for Microbiome Studies for all future routine DNA extractions from faecal samples.



Microbial Community Standard

ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard (#D6300) was used as a defined microbial input into this series of experiments. For an extraction protocol to be successful, the sequencing output will give the same species of bacteria, in the same abundance, as the input. Any bias introduced by the extraction protocol, homogenisation protocol or dilution of the input will be detected by a bias in the sequencing output.

The theoretical composition of the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard based on Genomic DNA: Listeria monocytogenes - 12%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - 12%, Bacillus subtilis - 12%, Escherichia coli - 12%, Salmonella enterica - 12%, Lactobacillus fermentum - 12%, Enterococcus faecalis - 12%, Staphylococcus aureus - 12%, Saccharomyces cerevisiae - 2%, and Cryptococcus neoformans - 2%. Also see Figure 1.

Figure 1. graphical illustration of the composition of the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard.

Experimental workflow

The ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard was diluted 1:10 from neat to 1:1000000 in phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Diluted samples were then split into samples which would be extracted using the Qiagen QIAmp PowerFecal Pro (#51804) or the ZymoBIOMICS DNA Microprep kit (#D4301).


Samples were then further subdivided into those which were homogenised using the Qiagen Vortex Adapter for 20 minutes, as per the manufacturer’s instructions or homogenised using the Qiagen Tissue Lyser II for 2x5 minutes, with a rotation of samples in between, as per the manufacturer’s instructions (Figure 2). All sample conditions were performed in duplicate.

Figure 2. Sample workflow

Extraction protocols

Half of the samples in this experiment were extracted using Qiagen QIAmp Power Fecal Pro analytical procedure with modifications to manufacturer’s instructions at the sample homogenisation step. Within this group, half the samples were homogenised with the Qiagen Vortex Adaptor on the Votex Genie, for 20 minutes. The other half were homogenised using the Tissue Lyser (5 min, turn, 5 min, at 25 Hz). After sample homogenisation, all samples were processed according to Qiagen’s instructions.

The other half of samples in this experiment were extracted using ZymoBIOMICS DNA Microprep kit analytical procedure with modifications to manufacturer’s instructions at the sample homogenisation step. Within this group, half the samples were homogenised with the Qiagen Vortex Adaptor, and the other half with the Tissue Lyser, as in the same manner as described above. After sample homogenisation, all samples were processed according to ZymoBIOMICS’s instructions.

All DNA concentrations were measure by Nanodrop before storing.


Qiagen Vortex Adapter

Figure 3. Nanodrop DNA quantification of DNA extracted from a serial dilution of the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard using the Qiagen Vortex Adapter

Qiagen Tissue Lyser II

Figure 4. Nanodrop DNA quantification of DNA extracted from a serial dilution of the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard using the Qiagen Tissue Lyser II.


A replicate of the undiluted and 1:10 dilution of the ZymoBIOMICS community standard from both extraction and both homogenisation methodologies was submitted for Illumina shotgun metagenomic sequencing.

Shotgun Sequencing Analysis

Analysis of the shotgun sequencing of the undiluted and 1:10 dilution of the ZymoBIOMICS community standard revealed that all microbes within the standard could be recovered in all conditions. In this analysis, sample counts are not normalised to genome size, therefore only a direct comparison to DNA input (i.e. the proportion of each microbe within the standard - DNATrue) is made.

No other microbes and little unassigned taxon indicated no contaminants were introduced during the extraction and sequencing process.

Abundance analysis showed that despite recovering all of the microbes were recovered, of the microbes that were recovered, clear differences in the abundances could be seen when compared to the true input values (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Abundances of the different bacterial sequences within each of the samples.

Principle component analysis allowed comparison of the different variables to determine which condition drove any differences observed and if these differences were statistically significant.

Sample Dilution

Figure 6. Principle Component Analysis of all samples for shotgun metagenomic sequencing coloured by dilution.

Extraction kit

Figure 7. Principle Component Analysis of all samples for shotgun metagenomic sequencing coloured by extraction kit.


Figure 8. Principle Component Analysis of all samples for shotgun metagenomic sequencing coloured by homogeniser.

linear_model Table 1. Statistical analysis of the different variables tested
